Back in September, we talked a lot about household cleaners and how you don't need all those chemicals. It generated quite a bit of discussion and feedback. Here is some of it:
From Cheryl:
I make my own spray and wipe for use in my kitchen and bathroom. The recipe is so easy and it makes up about 2 litres at a time. I also supply my daughters flat with the spray, they love it !!
: 2 litres of warm water add 2 tbsp white vinegar. Shake. Add ¼ cup of liquid soap and gently mix. Add 15-20 drops of essential oil for fragrance. I use Eucalyptus oil as it smells nice and fresh. I then reuse old spray bottles and refill them with the liquid.
Following on from Francesca’s last blog, I’ve found a web shop where you can buy natural cleaning/baby products – the best thing is the bottle/container you buy includes the recipe on the side so you can refill it yourself.
There are also heaps and heaps of recipes for cleaners and beauty products here to if you are interested,
From Elizabeth:
Elizabeth is my cousin, who lives in Norway. She has used this recipe to make home made laundry liquid. She says it only takes about 15minutes to make and has been working really well: ade-laundry-soap-detergent -recipes/
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From: Francesca:
Following on from Jane's information about Wendyl Nissen, who now, after being an editor of a number of high profile woman's magazines, makes natural products for sale, with the recipe on the side, I am currently reading her book - "A home companion - my year of living like my grandmother". It is worth a read and has lots of useful recipes interspersed in it (and thank fully indexed at the back) for not only cleaning products but food and things like reducing the smell from your shoes. They have all been tried and tested by Wendyl. She notes in the book that many of the recipes online need some tweaking to get them to work well.

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Now that we all need piles of baking soda and white vinegar in our cupboards - does anyone know where to source it in larger quantities than what is usually available at the supermarket?
Have a great and sustainable weekend!
Kind Regards
I buy a 5kg bag of bicarbonate of soda in my local New World supermarket - costs $6.99. You can also buy large quantities of white vinegar from any Binn Inn store across NZ.