I know just how you feel and I am feeling that way right now actually!
I went to the Christchurch A and P show today and found myself looking at everything with a sustainable mind set.
One example, was that I was about to get stuck in to a person selling a product similar to an Aqua Laser mop on sustainability. All the marketing was around how eco this option is - and perhaps on the face of it it is (washing your floors with nothing but stream) but what about the factory its made in - how much waste is being produced, how long does the product last..............anyway, I walked away (feel like a cop out now). I also wanted to push him on his statement "it kills all the fleas from your pets in the carpet too" as I somehow doubt it kills the pupae but again I walked away.
Sometimes it all seems too big and everything we do seems so small. It was easier for me today to walk away and I am sure you will understand the feeling that it would just be much easier to duck our heads and just ride it out....................................or would it, when we think of the realities of what is happening and the future?
Even if we can't save the world did you know that getting back to basics is really good for your own health and well being and if we save the world at the same time all the better. And when the opportunity presents itself to challenge or ask questions - take the opportunity. If we make one person start thinking sustainably and asking questions, it was worth the effort. I will take my own advice next time!!
Jane shared this quote from Buddha when we had some discussion about it all feeling like its too much and I thought you should all see it too:
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
Very sage advice.
Oh and if anyone is thinking about getting a steam mop, here is an excerpt from the consumer website:
Have a great and sustainable weekend.
Have a great and sustainable weekend.
"Only 1 of our tested steam mops was better than a cheap and traditional sponge mop.
I know just how you feel! I have challenged people on their products and got myself into some real arguments about the greenwashing of some so called 'environmentally friendly objects'. I have also walked away when I feel like I just can't face being an 'eco-activist' on that day, and I have felt so small in this giant world, questioning how my living can help anyone else. BUT as you point out, it is actually better for you to live "wisely and earnestly" today, not just for your health, but for your pockets too, (and most of the time beneficial for our planet and other people). Thanks for your posts. ps. have you tried white vinegar and baking soda on your floors, pretty amazing how clean they become with a lot less elbow-grease (and you can pop in a few drops of essential oils if you don't like the lingering smell of vinegar).