Thursday, June 20, 2013

30 is not the new 20

As many readers of this blog are in their 20's, others have 20 somethings in their care or they employ them I thought this was an enlightening talk. 

It is often thought that the 20's is a decade you can fritter away.  Meg Jay explains why this is not the case.

If you are a 20 something you should watch this.  It is not at all saying you need to settle down, just that you need to put things in place so when you are ready it will work successfully whether it be a relationship, your job, having a family or so on. 

If you are employing 20 somethings you should watch this.  Perhaps you should be helping them develop their careers and their place in employment as well as the world.  As an educator or relative of a 20 something the same goes for you too.

As I listened to this, as someone somewhat older than 20, it totally resonated with me.  I don't, by any stretch of the imagination, think that everyone needs to turn up the pschyotherapy, as seems to be common place is the USA, but I think the messages from this pschyotherapist are very simple and very true.

Next week I hope to open some good discussions on the use of pharmaceuticals - watch this space

Have a great week and keep warm out there.


  1. Feedback recieved via email:

    Wow. In my opinion this presenter has a remarkably judgemental and paternalistic approach. .
    In my opinion one size does not fit all. Living in the moment has considerable value, maybe as or more than planning.
    Maybe all things are of equal value. Is life really about progress? Is there not something to be said for appreciating what we have; for talking the road less travelled; for not comparing ourselves and competing with others.
    Many folks change the direction of their lives in their in their 40’s and 50’s. We are not bound by chronological age, methinks.
    Are 20 something’s really so mindless that they would take direction as the presenter seems to suggest they would.
    Are far more balanced presentation would have been more effective I think.
    I would love to know what the 20 somthings out there think.

  2. My response to the feedback above:
    I have to say the number of late 30 somethings that I know that wish they had planned some things earlier and there are some things I personally would have done differently I think. But one of those things may have been live in the moment more. I don’t actually think she said don’t live in the moment at all – I interpreted it as live in the moment but plan ahead, which is actually on reflection probably true for every generation……………

    Funny how we all interpret things differently!

    Thanks again. Wish 20 of you would respond every week!

  3. Here is the response I got my email to my response above: You are correct, she did not comment on 'living in the moment'.

    Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
    John Lennon
    Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
    John Lennon
    A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
    George Bernard Shaw

    Personally, I believe that the Universe will unfold as it will. Things are always just as they are meant to be. We may not get what we want or plan but it will always be OK, just different, maybe.

    As for regrets - mmmmmmmmmmmm - who knows what might have happened if we had taken the other path?

