Thursday, May 30, 2013

Localisation is a solution-multiplier

Recently there was a TEDx event in Queenstown and for those of you who are not yet familiar with TED talks these are when groups of inspirational speakers get up and share ideas.

At the TEDx event in Queenstown, two of Otago Polytechnic's staff gave talks. The talk I wanted to highlight this week was this one presented by Ella Lawton.  Ella has recently completed a PhD on the New Zealand Footprint Project which looks at the amount of resources New Zealanders consume, how and why they use them, and whether they can use less of them without compromising well-being. In her TEDx talk, she speaks on Helena Norberg-Hodge's concept of how "localisation is a solution multiplier".  It is an inspiring speech.  You can relate this to your own community and even your veterinary clinic (or any other business) within it.

“When we take the time to make things in our own communities we not only reduce its Ecological Footprint but we strengthen the local economy and increase the amount of social fabric upon which more local magic can happen...How we spend our time and money is a decision about the type of future we want to live in.”
- Ella Lawton @ TEDxQueenstown, April 2013

Watch Ella's TEDx Queenstown talk here

Image source:
Ella refers to her leather Jandals in her speech to make a point.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Portable solar power units

I am sure that most of you are starting to understand how solar power is an important part of our energy future.  Recycling old solar power units still holds some significant challenges, with most of this waste still going into the landfill; however, there is a lot of innovative research going on that promises some good solutions that should help solar power to be even more sustainable in the near future.

Solar power on a smaller scale is becoming common with portable solar units that can be used to power personal electronic devices.  This link leads to an article about a solar charging device that sticks on your window like this one pictured below.


I have also noticed, in numerous shops, the proliferation of solar power units, such as radios and torches, which also have USB charging ports for other electronic devices. An additional benefit of these devices is that that they also have a dynamo, so if the sun is not out, turning the dynamo a few times will give you additional power from your own physical activity.  
An example of the solar power/dynamo torch radio distributed to all households in Christchurch by the NZ Red Cross

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Need inspiring? 

This has got to be one of the most inspiring and exhausting TedX talks I have ever listened to!

Jason Roberts from Oakcliff, Texas shows just what can be done if you just get out there and do it!  It is worth every minute it takes to watch this.  If each and everyone of us could activiate just 1% of the energy this guy has, the world would be a much better place.

I want to be more like this guy! Do you? Tell me what you are thinking/feeling after watching this!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Light proof plastic milk bottles

A major milk supplier have hit the market recently with a milk bottle that is light proof claiming that the milk tastes better for longer- is this a marketing gimmick or fact? 

Just google it and you will find tonnes of feedback on this  - much of it negative.  'Obtain the milk fresh', 'stick it in the dark fridge', 'at least in a clear bottle I can see how much is in it' is some of the feedback.  You get the picture. 

Why does this topic fit on the blog - because it raises a question around how future focussed the company really are! 
  1. The bottles are heavier - they must contain more plastic, therefore using more resources to produce and costing more to transport.
  2. The bottles are of mixed plastic (3 different types I understand).  Although they may have a recycling triangle and number on them, this doesn't mean they get recycled.  It is notoriously more difficult to recycle plastic that is mixed so they may still end up at landfill if there is no market.  I note that Anchor are marketing this product as recyclable but there is no mention of a market for this mixed plastic bottle. 
Just go to the unpackit awards website and see how many nominations this bottle has recieved in worst packaging awards.

Is this product necessary? Does this new product help to reduce the drain on resources and create a more cyclic product? You can answer those questions for yourselves. 

What can you do?
  • Choose your products carefully - avoid products that use unnecessary or wasteful packaging.  Less is more.
  • Using the most professional manner, share with your friends on facebook and other social media sites your knowledge on better brands to buy and post your feedback on the product facebook page for any business that you are disappointed with by their decisions.  Remember the more professional and factual you are the more they will sit up and listen. 
  • Nominate products for the unpackit awards and make sure you vote too!

Fresh milk  (Image source)