Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Since its Easter and there is an abundance of chocolate I thought I'd post a very short and sweet posting today regarding Fair Trade chocolate or in particular the cocoa .  

A sustainable future is as much about the social aspects, as the environmental aspects.  

Read this link re: Fair Trade chocolate

So while you are out buying chocolate please consider the chocolate you are buying and try where possible to purchase fair trade chocolate.  

In terms of fair trade on other commodities, check out the Fair Trade website  - as well as cocoa; bananas, coffee, cotton and sugar are all common things we access that we should try to source Fair Trade products.  

Have a very Happy Easter.  See you all after the break.

Kind Regards

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to read this when you"re not a chocolate eater....."Many reactions to chocolate are caused by an intolerance or allergy to one or more of the other ingredients or food additives in chocolate. These include soy lecithin, milk, corn syrup, gluten, nuts, flavorings and dyes. While they are not intentional additives, trace amounts of rat and mouse droppings, as well as cockroach and other insect parts, are occasionally found in some chocolates"
    happy chocolate eating !!!!
