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There are so many great ideas and stories, but this week I thought I'd share some of the FREE Apps they suggest for becoming more eco-aware.
- Project Noah - A guide to world wildlife that can be used in the field that's suitable for kids .
- EcoChallenge - This app contains ecochallenges to improve daily sustainability.
- What's on my food - Because not all pesticides are equal, this app highlights the ones that are potentially more dangerous and therefore better avoided.
- Battery Doctor - This app ensures your device is running as efficiently as possible and can help improve battery life and therefore daily power usage too.
- The Plant Doctor - This app can be used to send plant symptoms to a professional plant pathologist for diagnosis. There is also the Yates app, which has clear pictures of common diseases symptoms of edible plants and advice of treatment.
- Conscious consumers - Find hospitality businesses in town that are making a difference. You can also join their Facebook page too.
- Go Green - This app has useful hints and tips you can use everyday to reduce your environmental footprint.
- iRecycle - Has over 1.5 million ways to recycle materials as well as updates on living a little lighter on the earth.
- Pollution - This apps provides a list of pollutants in your area in the air.
- Good Fish Guide - This app explains what fish are ok to eat as stocks are plentiful, what you should avoid due to over fishing.
If you search "Green Living" and "Sustainability" at the App store you will find many others.
Do you use these Apps? What do you think of them?
Have you got others you'd like to suggest?
Tell us about them here.
Have a great week
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