Thursday, March 27, 2014

Being what you want to be

I came across a quote this morning, doing the rounds on Facebook: "Never allow waiting to become a habit.  Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now."

I am unsure of the source of that quote but it certainly has a powerful message.  I think for many of you, you are out there living your dream, taking calculated risks, but for others of you, you may feel that you aren't living life to the fullest or that life doesn't feel balanced, or that something is missing or holding you back.  

Being what you want to be is all part of personal sustainability.  If you remember back to your first block course, you were introduced very briefly to the 9 fundamental human needs.  If you cant remember, here they are: 

Image Source

For those of you that feel like you are out there living the dream, if you review these 9 human needs, I would almost guarantee that you could look at all aspects of those and say yes those are being met in my life in a way that works for me.  For those that feel like you are not there yet, looking at your life in terms of these 9 human needs may be a helpful exercise in helping to work out what it is that needs to be included.   Remember we are all very different and each of these human needs may need to be met in different ways for each individual.  

At this link here you can read in more details about what each of these needs entails.  The link also reviews Maslow's hierarchy which came before Max Neefs research.  

If you want to share, we'd love to hear what insights you gained into your own life doing this exercise. 

Have a great week.

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