I am quite sure many of wondered what you had got yourself in for when we first introduced this topic to you at the beginning of the year. I hope in some way we have helped all of you take a step forward in understanding why this topic is so important to each and every one of us.
- There is only one planet earth
- Sustainability is not about being a greenie - its about respecting the environment, meeting peoples needs and within that ensuring that business is successful. However without a healthy environment, there is no place for people to reside and therefore nowhere for businesses to thrive.
- We all need to play a part in product stewardship. We need to consider carefully our purchases in terms of food or any product really in terms of asking questions about whether we really need it, what it contains, where it was made, what the companies policies on environment and looking after its people are like and are there better alternatives. This applies to personal and business purchases. And when any product enters out hands we then need to take responsibility for disposing of it in the most appropriate fashion.
- Choose natural fibres and avoid plastics as best you can (in this plastic orientated world especially biodegradable plastics and recycle whatever does come your way)!

These are just some of the topics covered this year.
For any one who didn't get a chance to listen to my presentation on ideas around a sustainable veterinary practice of the future, you can listen to that here and for anyone who doesn't think its a reality, here is an example of a clinic who is out there doing it - sure they aren't perfect (I don't anyone is) but they have made some huge steps in a fantastic direction. I discovered this clinic after I did my presentation so I was stoked to see that someone was out there doing it!

I hope that I have managed to open your minds and eyes to this topic and the importance of it. I look forward to hearing about your endeavours out in the big wide world and hope that some of this learning will be carried through into your new careers or lives after Otago Polytechnic!
For those students finishing with us - we wish you the best of luck as you forge ahead with your career. We hope you stay in touch with us and let us know what you are doing - don;t forget to hook up to our Facebook page to stay connected to what is happening and this blog.
For those who will return next year to achieve the next step in their goal - have a well deserved summer break and we'll see you bright eyed and bushy tailed in February!
Kind Regards
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