This week your challenge is to research the power companies that supply power in your area and look at which offers the best options to you, not only on price but on sustainable/renewable power options. Remember consumer pressure is the key to change in the big companies.
Did you know that an important thing to ensure if you are moving from a paper based to electronic home or office, is that to improve the sustainability of this (among other things), one of the important things you need to actually be ensuring is that your power is supplied by one that uses renewable energy resources. In New Zealand we are lucky in that respect because we have largely renewable sources of power.
The things you would want to look at are:
- What forms of power generation do they use to supply your power – wind, water, coal, gas? Wind and Water are renewable, whereas coal and gas are being taken from the earth faster than it can be replenished.
- If all the sources aren’t sustainable, what are they doing to offset this – planting tress for example? Regenerating mined areas in native forest?
- With wind and water, don’t just accept that they are renewable – are they looking after the ecosystems they are potentially disturbing? In particular the water that is diverted from rivers can affect the water life down stream. Do the hydro schemes they use maintain the ecosystem below the dams?
- What are the companies other sustainable attributes – can you get your power accounts online? Can you phone (or they call you) to get your power reading each month rather than sending out a meter reader? How do they treat there staff? Are they carbon neutral or working towards it? What about their attitude to waste – are they aiming for zero rubbish too?
If you decide to change it is easy! Call the company you wish to transfer to and they will arrange it all for you – easy as that!
And while you are at it – have you thought about installing solar panels on your roof? We'll investigate this topic at a later date and other options of producing your own power.
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