The website for the packaging awards which shows lots of examples of best and worst packaging is: http://www.unpackit.org.nz/
Do you think about what you buy in terms of the packaging and making choices based on the packaging? Often there is an alternative in less packaging or packaging that can be recycled.

Is there an opportunity to refill containers, rather than recycle them and get another container? Remember that the first principles are always to reduce, then reuse. Recycling is the third 'R'.
Sometimes products that we recycle may not in fact be remade into another product that is actually able to be recycled, so we may recycle the packaging but the next product it is made into is of lower quality and unable to be recycled.
Jane Craker from the School of Veterinary Nursing made this comment regarding packaging and I agree: "Manufacturers need to be more accountable for their packaging choices, I would like to see them have to pay towards the cost of getting rid of it, that would soon get them thinking."

Did you know that the wax coated paper cups you get your takeaway coffees in can be composted? Make sure these cups do not go to landfill, but pop them in your compost or green waste bin.
And since I work in a female dominated environment, I couldn't let this post go without adding this link to 'Moontime'
Share your ideas with us about how you reduce your weekly waste by reducing the packaging you purchase with products. We look forward to hearing all your ideas.
Have a great and sustainable weekend
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